“Why Is My Heat Pump Blowing Cold Air Into My Home?”

December 6th, 2021

This is quite a concerning event. Temperatures are officially getting to freezing and below, so now is the most important time to make sure your heating system is running effectively. Especially for those homeowners that invested in yearly maintenance, you might be frustrated when your heat pump system starts blowing cold air into your house. What a bad problem to have!

Well, it’s not exactly a problem. Heat pumps can run into some issues when temperatures drop below freezing and the coils of the system start collecting ice. This blog is all about the “defrost mode” that many heat pumps will run, and why this isn’t a problem.

However, if your heat pump is continuously blowing cool air into your home on one of the coldest days of the year, then you’ve absolutely got a problem and you need to contact our team for heating repair in Blackburn, AB.

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3 Reasons You Might Need a Furnace Fix

November 22nd, 2021

Furnaces are reliable heating systems in our area. So many homeowners depend on hot-air furnaces that are powered either by electricity or natural gas, so it makes sense that you might be vigilant about a budding problem in your unit. Furnaces that start developing problems are going to put out less heat and they’re probably going to cost more in the long run, so the faster you get your system repaired, the better!

There’s a good reason why we’re referred to as “Lloydminster’s Plumbing and Heating Authority,” and that’s because we know exactly how to help a homeowner with a furnace problem.

Let’s focus on three specific issues that might be occurring in your furnace, and why our team can help you with heating repair in Lloydminster, SK. For any additional questions, or if you think you might have a furnace issue that’s unique and different from the ones listed, then don’t hesitate to call us!

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A Guide to Holiday Drain Care

November 8th, 2021

It’s November, which means we’re all getting ready to have family over for some feasting and gift-giving in the next few months. For a season that’s all about food and sharing with others, it can be hard for homeowners who have drains that are in rough shape. Many of our customers can get some understandable anxiety when they start worrying about whether or not their kitchen drains can make it through the end of the month.

Well, fear not. We’ll be the team that provides plumbing services in Vermillion, AB throughout the next few months. If you’ve got a precarious situation with your drains, we can help.

However, if you’re not sure as to what can go wrong with your drains and why you might need plumbing services from a professional, then this blog is for you. Here are a few tips and things to avoid when going into this holiday season with your drains at the forefront of your mind!

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Our Five-Point Fall Furnace Checklist

October 25th, 2021

That title sounded like a mouthful, didn’t it? But all jokes aside, it’s important that homeowners really start the season off strong by doing a few things for their heating systems that ensure they’re safe for the winter. Sure, nothing compares to professional maintenance, or calling our team for that quick heating repair in Paradise Hill, SK, but you’ll soon find that there are additional things you might want to do as a homeowner.

When was the last time you changed your air filter? Or when was the last time you actually cleared out some space around your furnace? These aren’t just tips to improve efficiency and to help your system run better, they’re also tips to help your system run safely.

Today we’re going to focus on five different things you could do for your furnace while you get it in shape for the cold months ahead!

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Why Your Lead Pipes Should Be Replaced

October 11th, 2021

Right now there are global initiatives going on in every country and every community to replace lead pipes. It’s not because lead doesn’t work as a pipe material, it works very well, in fact. It turns out that lead can be poisonous when ingested and lead pipes will leech lead into the water of a community, harming the people in it.

However, as thorough as our community might be at removing lead pipes from our water supply lines, we can’t physically go into every older home and replace their lead pipes. All we can do is advise homeowners to do this on their own time and their own budget, and tell them about the risks of lead poisoning.

If you’re certain that you’ve got lead pipes in your home, then we’re going to be frank with you. You might need to get them replaced. Our team provides this valuable plumbing service in Paradise Hill, SK so you can rest easy knowing the pros are on the case.

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Why You Might Need a New Water Heater

September 27th, 2021

Remember a few years ago when you first moved into your new home? Everything seemed in great shape and the water heater still had a few years left on it. You’ve been pleasantly surprised by how well it’s held up and how hot your home’s water has been.

Well, all good things must come to an end. That tank water heater was bound to cause you trouble eventually. The fact that your 20-year-old water heater has lasted this long is pretty remarkable in its own right. But at this point, you’ll need to invest in professional plumbing installation in Provost, AB. There are likely some pipes that need to be replaced as well to ensure it all run as intended.

Before you get down in the dumps, let’s talk about why this might be an exciting chance to upgrade your home’s water efficiency and the comfort of your hot water!

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3 Reasons to Invest in Preventative Drain Cleaning

September 13th, 2021

Drain cleaning is something that we talk about regularly on this blog. We’re plumbers, and we’re sorry for sounding redundant, but plumbers like to talk about plumbing! You’ve probably experienced this firsthand if you have any friends or family that are master plumbers. It’s in our blood, so try to give us a break!

However, there’s one more important word we’d like to focus on for this blog, and that’s “preventative.” Drain cleaning can often be purchased when your drains are clogged, but homeowners rarely call us for drain cleaning in Provost, AB to prevent clogs. But this might be the best use for this service!

Today, we’d like to talk about how drain cleaning can prevent clogs from building up in the first place. We’ll discuss with you the advantages of signing up for regular drain cleaning services and why that might be more beneficial (and more affordable) than just calling us for drain cleaning when you need it.

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The Guardian Angle #8 – On Demand Water Heaters

September 1st, 2021

Blaine here for Guardian Plumbing and Heating. Excited to bring you another Episode of the Guardian Angle. These videos are for you, our customers. They are not intended to be heavy, technical, install your own equipment tutorials, but alternatively, easy to understand tips about things that most people can do to protect their homes and increase the life of all their Plumbing and heating equipment.

Cold showers seem to be the rage these days, with benefits such as reduced stress, higher levels of alertness, better immune response, increased will power and even weight loss, people are turning the temp down in the showers to try and experience some of these positive effects. Now I’m not a doctor and I want to emphasize this is not medical advice, but even I have enjoyed what experiencing a couple of minutes in the cold shower to start my day can do! That being said, I’m not sure anyone enjoys the surprise of running out of hot water, because your teenager likes to run the shower for a ½ an hour before getting in and draining the tank.

Hot water and the luxury of showers is a fairly new concept in the grand scheme of the world. The Very First gas water heater patented was in 1868, with the most popular design in 1889 designed by Edwin Ruud. Most water heaters to this day use a very similar design and there has been very little to increase efficiencies on traditional tank style heaters. Storage style water heaters are pretty much as inefficient as the day they were designed, but they are cheap and they give us a nice storage of hot water to clean and wash with. They also need very little maintenance.

On the other hand they tend to wear out inside of 8 to 10 years in our area and with the warranty on most tanks being 6 years, its something you will need to keep in the budget. We still recommend them in most situations as being the most economical option for people.

But what about this new fangled On demand water heater we are hearing about so much lately. Well first of all the “Tankless” water heater was actually invented in 1929, so the idea has been developing for almost 100 years, I’ll be honest, I used to really dislike these units, The unit I had 15 years ago, and to say it had some early adoption issues would be putting it mildly, and it wasn’t even high efficient!

Over the past few years though On demand water heaters have improved greatly and In many situations an on demand water heater can be a great investment for customers. Let’s consider the brand Navien tankless water heaters for a second. Naviens can actually be high efficient now. They can achieve ratings of 96% efficient. They take up significantly less space, as they hang on the wall. They have a longer life than a tank due to the stainless steel heat exchanger, they only run when you need them and Navien Backs that heat exchanger with a 15 year warranty. So in the time that most people will have paid to have their tank replaced twice, these units are still going.

Another thing that the Naviens have built in, is a recirculating pump, this is a feature that has to be added onto a traditional water heater and piped in at extra costs.

Now before you go jumping to your phone and calling me. They’re are few things to consider.

  • On Demand water heaters require servicing annually
  • Good quality water is recommended, to make the cleaning easier and have them last longer
  • The up front cost is more, but you immediately begin to save.
  • If you lose power, you also lose hot water immediately as there is no storage tank.

So overall I believe that an on demand water heater can be a great option for many people, If you like the convenience of never running out of hot water, having a good solid warranty and saving money, this could be a great option for you. Just remember though, that practicing the Wim Hoff method might be necessary if you live in a place that has frequent power outages!

Here at Guardian Our top priority is building trust and integrity through lifetime partnerships that meet our customers needs. This is accomplished through a WOW experience for our customers consisting of honesty and fairness, exceptional technical knowledge, reliable, efficient products and a commitment to excellence. One of the key ways we fulfill this mission is though the Guardian Protection Plan our protection plan includes Annual Maintenance included, 20% Discount on repairs, 24 Hour Priority Service and and industry leading Lifetime Warranty on Recommended Repairs. Thank you for spending some of your valuable time with us today. We hope that this information serves you well!

If you found this video valuable please subscribe to our YouTube account, signup for our newsletter, and follow us on Facebook, instagram and twitter.

And that’s how we saw things today from the Guardian Angle!

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Your Ducts Could Be Leaking!

August 16th, 2021

Leaking ducts are a major problem, not just during the summer but for the entire year. If you’ve got a centralized air conditioning and heating system, chances are they both use the same set of ductwork. These ducts are your home’s veins, transporting the cool, comfortable air to the rooms where you can feel it. However, the more leaky your ducts are, the more uncomfortable your home will be.

We’re going to focus on some major aspects about duct repair in Lloydminster, SK. We’ll talk about what can go wrong when ducts are in disrepair, and we’ll also mention how homeowners can easily tell if they need this service.

This is an insidious problem that we feel homeowners should be more aware of. People can often be too quick to assume that their air conditioner is what’s really struggling, when the ductwork could be the culprit leaking all the conditioned air!

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3 Reasons for a Restaurant to Invest in Drain Cleaning

August 2nd, 2021

It’s no secret that restaurants rely on their commercial plumbing systems in order to function properly. This isn’t just for the sake of convenience, it’s also vital for the health and safety of your establishment. If a safety inspector uses your restroom or checks the water from your sink and starts encountering backflow or consistent clogging, then you’re going to be in some serious trouble.

Let’s steer away from the horror stories of commercial plumbing in Lloydminster, SK and focus on the positives. It’s time to think of your commercial plumbing system as an investment. The more care and attention you pay towards it, the better professionals you hire for the job, the more likely you are to be able to focus on what matters.

In the case of a restaurant, you’ll get to focus on your food, your customers, and your bottom line, as you leave the toilets or sinks to us!

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